Our Services

Strategy and Transformation Consulting

We can help you achieve the results you’re looking for and take your business to the next level of growth. Strategic Consulting Programs are highly interactive engagements designed to find your organization’s most significant potential for growth.

Are you looking to design or refresh your strategy?

We can help you with your strategy design and facilitate your strategic planning process. We can support your business strategy process through our programs, such as;

Business Action planning

The Business Action Plan Workshop helps you:

  • Set goals for the year
  • Brainstorm tactics to achieve the goals
  • Refine your list and create top priorities
  • Develop an action plan to execute

This is a 2-hour practical workshop focused on positioning your business for a strong performance.


The VIP Day is an exclusive event where Ayo will work with you to develop a clear high growth strategy for your business before addressing some of the key barriers or skills gaps that may slow down implementation.

You get 7 – 9 hours of intensive, focused and ‘laser’ coaching, visioning, and planning – and one-on-one private access to all I have to offer as a coach, consultant and mentor.

This is for you if you’re looking for the accelerated path and 1-on-1 attention to grow and scale your business.

You can also book a free discovery call to discuss your needs.

We assist our clients across the areas listed below

Strategic Planning

We help organisations achieve alignment between strategic, financial, and operational goals.
Our approach is to help the organisation gain clarity on its most important objective, identify and commit to its most important priorities and get the organisation aligned, ready, and accountable to make the priorities happen.

Growth and performance transformation

Organisations underperforming or seeking growth transform their performance and achieve a step-change in their growth trajectory. Our approach is to assess the existing business to identify the key challenges and work with the client to find and implement solutions to transform performance and drive growth.

Operational excellence

We help organisations create a robust system that drives consistent business strategy execution and continuously improves its operating system, which will allow you to move towards your goals whilst optimising your processes to execute winning strategies.

Business Coaching

Running a business is both a privilege and a challenge.

As a leader, it can be very lonely at the top because you are accountable and responsible for it all. Hence you need a place to engage with your challenges and explore your opportunities authentically.

Business challenges and opportunities such as but not limited to

Would you benefit from an experienced sounding board and problem-solving partner for any or all the challenges/opportunities above?

Book a free call, and let’s discuss your situation.

We help business owners grow their companies, increase their business value and achieve independence from the business. We focus on helping the business owners understand where they are and, more importantly, where they want to go. And through coaching, we support creating a plan and execution rhythm to achieve the business owner’s objective.

Training And Workshops

We work with each client to build customized training programs to fit their needs. Identifying the key concepts and principles for each specific organization works with us.

Digital School 

We develop digital courses that support executives and businesses on their growth journey. Click here to visit our digital school


Our workshops are focused on the most significant challenges which would significantly transform our client’s performance. The workshops vary greatly based on client needs. We will work with each client to build a program tailored to their challenges. However, we have standard workshops such as Business Action Planning and VIP day workshops.


Corporate retreats are all about leaving the city or Zoom calls behind, gathering to connect, create, engage and re-discover in a secluded location. We help foster meaningful relationships and progressive work and gain blissful free time with delicious dining.

Leadership Training

To thrive in a competitive and sometimes tumultuous environment, your team needs to operate at world-class levels. Through my executive training services covering business operations, entrepreneurship, and transformation, we can help you ignite the highest potential of your team and develop your company, so it reaches its strategic objectives effectively & efficiently.

Independent and Board Advisory

Our founder is a seasoned executive and non-executive who has supported management teams and boards on some of their most significant challenges.
He is available to support you as a non-executive board member or Independent advisor.

We've worked with brands across various industries